Donald Lawrence: Casting the Eye Adrift

Donald Lawrence is an artist and professor in the Visual Arts program at Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC. 

This book captures Donald Lawrence’s longstanding inquiries into the intersections between art, science, and technology, and concepts of wilderness. Reflecting the artist’s enduring interest in the camera obscura and his inventive use of materials, the publication cover includes its own version of a pinhole with the raw binding exposed. 

This full-colour monograph was produced following Donald Lawrence’s solo retrospective exhibition Casting the Eye Adrift organized by and presented at the Kamloops Art Gallery July 7 to December 31, 2020. Texts by Barbara Cole, Ernie Kroeger, and Harry Vandervlist expand on Lawrence’s decades-long practice, along with an insightful conversation with Curator Charo Neville and Donald Lawrence.

Kamloops Art Gallery, 2023

$40.00 CAD

Available through the Gallery Store.


Samuel Roy-Bois: Présences