Jana Sasaki
Central Gallery
September 18 to November 6, 2010
Curated by Craig Willms, Kamloops Art Gallery
This body of work by Jana Sasaki explores experiences and memories of ‘mixed’ cultural upbringing in Canada. It reflects upon the experience of being half Japanese and investigates how people of mixed cultural heritage view themselves and are viewed by others, an experience relevant to more and more Canadians.In particular, Sasaki is interested in words such as hapa andhafu that are increasingly used to define mixed cultures. The word hafu is used in Japanese to refer to somebody who is ethnically half Japanese. The label emerged in the 1970s in Japan and is now the most commonly used label and preferred term of self-definition. The word hafu comes from the English word ’half,’ indicating half foreign-ness. Hapa is slang for a person of mixed ethnic heritage with partial roots in Asian and/or Pacific Islander ancestry.