Diyan Achjadi // Rebecca Belmore // Therese Bolliger // Dana Claxton // Allyson Clay // Andy Fabo // Leon Golub // Angela Grossmann // Shelagh Keeley // Jim Logan // Ken Lum // Takashi Murakami // Nhan Duc Nguyen // Manuel Pina // Philippe Raphanel // Brendan Lee Satish Tang // Jeff Thomas // Henry Tsang // Jin-me Yoon // Sharyn Yuen
Central Gallery
October 18 to December 31, 2010
Curated by Craig Willms, Annette Hurtig
The Construction Sites: Identity and Place exhibition presents works by contemporary artists who investigate and reflect on the social construction of identity and the production of social space. Made over the past several decades, the works in the exhibition respond to developments in feminist, gender, queer and postcolonial theories. The exhibition concept takes a cue from Henri Lefebvre’s thinking about alienation and modernity, the nature of society, and social revolution as a revolution in everyday life. In his writing Lefebrve speaks about producing one’s life as one would a work. Might we likewise produce our own identity? Or is identity determined by society? And, with the dramatic mobility of information, goods and people aimed for by corporate globalization strategies, what is the relationship between our identity and the places we inhabit?